
Music of the Mind and Soul

In our chaotic and confused world, I have found one of the greatest refuges from the storms of life to be Classical music. Over the last two decades, Classical music has become a sanctuary for me because it represents order, beauty, and peace. When I have challenges or difficulties, perhaps like you, I often turnContinue reading “Music of the Mind and Soul”

At This Moment: Changes in Political Power

This week we are witnessing a change of power in the House of Representatives. This government was set up on a system of checks and balances. The trifold powers to legislate new laws, execute laws, and judge laws are separated to avoid tyranny and despotic actions of any one individual or branch of government. TheseContinue reading “At This Moment: Changes in Political Power”

From Recognition to Resolution

As we begin a new year, we may find ourselves ready and resolute to make changes. Resolution is a “fixed purpose or determination of mind; as a resolution to reform our lives; a resolution to undertake an expedition. The effect of fixed purpose; firmness, steadiness, or constancy in execution, implying courage.” (Noah Webster’s American DictionaryContinue reading “From Recognition to Resolution”

Providence and Miracle on 34th Street

What a treat to watch this Christmas classic again. Valentine Davies wrote Miracle on 34th Street when he was standing in line at a department store during the Christmas season. Recall that a classic has a great theme, tells a story in noble language, speaks across generations, and summarizes the virtues and values of a culture at its apex. Is it silly to believe there is an author of the intangibles of kindness, joy, and love? Is integrity in business or life worth emulating? 

Providential Poetry

December is a month of special music. Music has a way of bringing a peaceful reassurance and tranquility during times of crisis and sorrow. I recall as a young lad hearing in my church the melodic music of “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” Not only did the musical notes move me, but the words also brought tears to my eyes as I sang them, even though I did not know the history or have yet a deeper understanding of why I felt moved. But the words held powerful witness to Providential superintendence of God to assure us of His peace.

The Quest for Magnanimity

Having found our quest, how should we complete it? What happens if challenges or setbacks obscure our journey? 

If our objectives are noble and our motives pure, we move forward in tranquility and firmness. Perhaps the highest office we will ever hold is that of citizens . It is an office we exercise each year as we vote. It is our birthright and duty to execute.